World News

Trump advises Americans to vote Rebuplican

Trump advises Americans to vote Rebuplican
  • PublishedNovember 4, 2018

President Donald Trump warned Americans Saturday that a Democratic victory in the mid-term legislative elections on Tuesday would precipitate the rise of socialism in the United States and the arrival of hordes of criminals from Central America, his campaign argument final to save the Republican majority.

“They will impose socialism in Florida, welcome to Venezuela,” Donald Trump said Saturday night in Pensacola, Florida, at a rally in support of Republican candidates in the Senate and the governorship, Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis.

The Air Force One presidential plane was parked on the tarmac of the airport where the rally was taking place, as the Trump aircraft was in the background of its candidate meetings two years ago.

At every step, the billionaire Republican boasts the excellent employment figures and tax cuts adopted in December 2017, before embarking on an apocalyptic description of the migration policy of his opponents.

The Democrats, he said, want to “clear the borders” and smuggle “the clandestine ones before the American citizens”.

“The Democrats’ immigration program is to bring drug trafficking, human smuggling, and criminal cartels,” he also said in Montana.

For weeks, he has spoken in disturbing terms of the caravans of several thousand Central American migrants currently crossing Mexico to the United States, and against whom he has sent thousands of soldiers to the Mexican border. According to him, 300 of them are “very bad”. He said he had received information from Mexico about these migrants.

“The barbed wire can be a pretty thing when it is well laid,” said the 45th US president.

The first national election meeting since the 2016 election will determine who will control both houses of Congress until the next presidential election on November 3, 2020.

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