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TikTok Bans Account Of Nigerian Man Who Buried Himself Alive For 24 Hours

TikTok Bans Account Of Nigerian Man Who Buried Himself Alive For 24 Hours
  • PublishedMay 9, 2024

Video platform, TikTok, has permanently banned the account of Young C, a Nigerian man who buried himself alive for 24 hours.

Findings on the platform showed that his profile was no longer available.

Osun Defender recalls that the skitmaker commenced the challenge on Wednesday and spent the whole day entombed in a wooden coffin equipped with a pillow, a hand fan, bedsheets, a power bank camera, and two light bulbs.

Young C live-streamed his stay underground via his YouTube channel.

Throughout the ordeal, he provided updates to his followers, sharing videos from inside the coffin.

“Guys, I am still alive, I am still fine, I am okay,” he reassured his audience in one update, although he was visibly struggling as he reported running out of water and contemplated drinking his urine to stay hydrated.

Despite experiencing significant physical discomfort, including excessive sweating and challenges in confined spaces, Young C remained determined.

His ordeal was closely watched by thousands online, who tuned in to live footage broadcast during the night.

“My problem is just that I have run out of water. I might be forced to drink this (my urine). Guys, I am fine,” he said in a heavy breath during one of his updates.

The stunt was reminiscent of a similar challenge by popular YouTuber, MrBeast, who recently attempted to spend seven consecutive days buried in a coffin.

Young C, however, set out to test his own limits within a 24-hour period.

Upon completing the challenge and being exhumed, Young C appeared in good spirits, though visibly exhausted.

He cautioned his viewers about the dangers of attempting such stunts, highlighting the severe physical and mental challenges involved.

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