
Osun Govt To Assist Goitre Patient Who Opted For Money

Osun Govt To Assist Goitre Patient Who Opted For Money
  • PublishedDecember 1, 2023

THE Osun State Government has expressed it readiness to provide free medical services for Mrs. Folakemi, a resident of Ejigbo suffering from goitre.

OSUN DEFENDER had reported that Folakemi stirred online discussions with her bizarre decision to receive a sum of N300,000 instead of undergoing free surgery.

Folakemi had sought medical assistance to alleviate her pain.

The woman, in a short video watched by OSUN DEFENDER on social media, was earlier taken to the Government Secretariat, Abere to solicit the support of the state government but the journey proved abortive as no help was rendered.

However, when a team of doctors offered her free medical services, she surprisingly turned down the offer. 

She requested for the money raised on her behalf instead of going for surgery.

Reacting on behalf of the state government through a statement on Tuesday, Dr. Isiaka Adekunle, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health, stated that the goitre patient was not ignored when she sought medical assistance for her condition.

Adekunle revealed that Folakemi was requested to provide her record of procedure for medical assistance before the state government could take charge.

According to the statement, “Mrs Folakemi wasn’t overlooked when she sought medical assistance for her goitre but was rather requested to provide her record of procedure for medical assistance before the state government could take charge.

“Contrary to the government’s offer, Mrs Folakemi, influenced by an unknown NGO, went to Lagos to seek funds for her medical operation, ignoring the fact that the Osun state government had already offered to perform the surgery free of charge.

“Mrs Folakemi, while in Lagos, did not proceed with the surgery but opted for the donated funds to support her business.”

Adekunle insisted that the State Government had reassured Folakemi and her family that the surgery could still be conducted without any cost.

He stated further that since she had resolved to return to Osun for the surgery, the previous medical records and record of procedure for medical assistance, including family consent, were still requirements for the government to proceed with her case.

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