
Carolyn Danjuma Goes Spiritual For The Nation

Carolyn Danjuma Goes Spiritual For The Nation
  • PublishedAugust 16, 2017

Beauty entrepreneur, Carolyn Danjuma, who always slays at events and has been known to look absolutely radiant at all times took to her Instagram page to preach on the importance of love and unity among Christians and urged everyone to take out 5 mins out of their 24 hours to praise and pray for mercy. She wrote;

‘God doesn’t reveal what he has not conquered … rather than panic and lament concerning what the world is going through, let’s take 5 min in our 24hrs to give him praise and pray for mercy. More hate will only make the problems worst.. christians it’s time to show the world whom you worship … what would Jesus do? . There are battles that is best left to God to handle. Faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains…. our hate never solved any problem … time to go on our knees and pray for God to manifest his power against those that want to destroy the world .. The devil has drawn the battle line .. we have been too divided as christians to see that.. all this dramas around the world is a distraction from the real enemy… we need to be united with a clean spirit and pray like we never have , that same God of miracles in the bible still exist.. The God who divided the sea, brought down the walls of Jericho .. is capable of every thing and anything.. emancipate yourselves from mental slavery , release yourselves from the shekels of the Devil.. Time to take your positions as soldiers of Christ . Command into existence with the words of your mouth.. begin to declare peace into the world , believe in it.. focus your strength on the right battle.. there is chaos everywhere because children of Christ have forgotten whom they are and who they worship . Hate , war is only from the pit of hell , weak spirit are used as vessels to attack children of Christ .. fear is not of the kingdom of God .. I decree and declare peace , love , unity , joy into the world.. let every storm be as calm as the stream .

We can only hope that our celebrities speak such good words to the lives of people and set good examples for the younger generation.

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