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Aregbesola’s Commitment To Humanity And The Poor Sets Him Apart As A Beacon Of Modern Governance

Aregbesola’s Commitment To Humanity And The Poor Sets Him Apart As A Beacon Of Modern Governance
  • PublishedMay 25, 2024

The immediate past Minister of Interior, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola, is a humanist par excellence whose love for the emancipation of the masses and the poor is exemplary.

The former Governor of Osun is also an icon of good governance, with various imprints on the lives of many, the state, and Nigeria at large, which will continue to make him relevant beyond public office.

These were the submissions of speakers at the 67th birthday event in honor of Aregbesola, organised by the Omoluabi Progressives Caucus on Saturday in Osogbo.

Leading the speakers was the Orangun of Oke-Ila, Oba Adedokun Abolarin Aroyinkeye, who the sterling attributes of leadership and commitment to humanity that the celebrant symbolises.

The monarch noted that the former Minister and he share a common passion for the emancipation of the poor and the liberation of the people.

READ: I Would Rather Quit Politics Than Betraying Or Dissociating Myself From Aregbesola – Adeoti

He said, “I can’t write my history without mentioning Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola. We’ve been together since 1980; we were together in activism and other ideological activities.

“When I wanted to establish my school, I consulted Aregbesola. We share everything in common. Aregbesola will always acknowledge and appreciate good and quality ideas, and progressive thinking. He appreciates progressive projects. He encouraged me to do good things.

“I don’t know why I wouldn’t publicly associate myself with a person like Aregbesola.”

Speaking in the same vein, the incumbent governor of Osun, Governor Ademola Adeleke of Osun, congratulated Aregbesola for being a leader worthy of emulation.

Represented by the Secretary to the State Government, Alhaji Teslim Igbalaye, Adeleke said the former Minister is an exceptional and charismatic leader whose imprints in the state and country stand the test of time.

He also noted that the celebrant remains a doyen in Osun politics, with cult-like followership full of the movers and shakers of the political direction of the state.

Adeleke said, “You are blessed. You only know a core politician by the caliber of people following him when he is not in power. For me to see the caliber of people here even without you being in power at the moment, it means God is with you. It also shows that you are grounded.

READ: My Story Incomplete Without Mentioning Aregbesola – Orangun Oke-Ila

“From Osogbo to Iwo to Ejigbo, the crop of politicians with you are the core politicians of Osun. You are someone who always elevates your followers, and today, you are reaping the fruits of that loving gesture of yours. I want to tell you that whether somebody decides to celebrate you or not, what you did in the history of Osun will continue to speak for you.

“On behalf of the Osun State Executive Council, we are celebrating you. Continue to do good for people. You are reaping the fruits of your legacy and impact on the lives of the people, and I pray God grants you many more years in good and sound health in service to Osun State.”

The former Secretary to the State Government, Alhaji described Ogbeni Aregbesola as a man of his word and one who always fulfills his promises.

He added that the immediate past Minister of Interior earned his loyalty and support with his good character and love for the masses.

The ace politician declared that he would rather quit politics than dissociate himself from everything that Aregbesola represents. Adeoti said, “Aregbesola restored the progressive party to government. After the 2003 governorship election defeat, the progressive was in disarray; Aregbesola came in 2004 and breathed life into the party. He restructured the party and picked up the finances of the party. He restored the progressive to government and performed well.

“Aregbesola always wishes everybody well and sees to the upliftment and progress of everybody who works with him. Aregbesola is a core progressive and he’s doing well. Those who were in government yesterday are betrayers.
“I would rather resign from politics than betray or dissociate myself from Aregbesola. I can do anything in support of Aregbesola. He’s truthful and straightforward.”

The Chairman of the Omoluabi Progressives, Alhaji Azeez Adesiji, eulogized the former Governor, adding that he is a symbol of justice, fairness, and equity in leadership and public service.

Adesiji remarked that Aregbesola has continued to be a trailblazer and a relevant political figure in Osun and nationally.

“Aregbesola is a name synonymous with fairness, justice, and equity, and this is exemplified in his way of life as an unrepentant welfarist.

“As a governor in Osun, your people-friendly policies and programs for the constitutional maximum tenure have become points of reference for those who have occupied the exalted seat after your glorious transformation for higher responsibilities at the national level.

“Ogbeni, you remain a trailblazer everywhere you go, and without gainsaying, I can affirm you have continued to be relevant in your calling, even after exiting political offices you have held in the past.”

Also speaking, a former Chief of Staff to former Governor Olagunsoye Oyinlola, Elder Peter Babalola, celebrated Aregbesola, urging him to continue to impact the development of Osun.

“You have bequeathed a worthy legacy to the state and everyone is proud of you. I have worked with you and I can say that you are truly an icon of excellence in leadership. You remain a shining star in the annals of history. I want to appeal to you to continue to work for the progress and entrenchment of good governance in the state. That is where we need you the most as you turn 67.”

Responding, Aregbesola, flanked by his wife Sherifat, expressed gratitude to family, friends, political associates, the Osun State Government, and others for celebrating him.

He said the way to achieve mass prosperity for Nigerians is to abide by the Omoluabi ethos in governance and politics.

The two-term Governor of Osun stated that the core of an administration that is truly ready to serve the people is discipline, courage, character, and competence in leadership.

“The way to bring people out of underdevelopment is for the leadership in every stratum of society to imbibe the Omoluabi ethos in its governance template and ideology.

“We cannot serve or lead the people to victory without ensuring that those governing rule with the fear of God, utmost dedication to principles that put humanity first, as well as embarking on projects that see to the continued prosperity of the masses in society. That is simply the best way to lead.

“I thank you all for honoring me. You have all demonstrated courage and love for what we represent. I am indebted to you,” the ex-Interior Minister said.

Dignitaries at the event included the former Speaker of Osun Assembly, Dr. Najeem Salaam, former Cabinet members in the state, members of the Omoluabi Progressives Caucus, political associates, political groups, friends, family, and others.

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