featured Op-Ed

STRIKER: Here Comes The Striker!

STRIKER: Here Comes The Striker!
  • PublishedJuly 27, 2020

Striker extends a warm welcome to all fellow “political animals” as we commence readership in politics in this column. Politics, much maligned, yet the all in all. Hardly can you remember one favourable comment on politics outside of politics itself but you sure recall as many ill comments as you care to, none the least the famous phrase “politics is a dirty game”!

The “dirty game” is where everything about society is determined, however. From birth to burial, our destiny is determined by what is done in politics by politicians, that breed of humans that are as equally maligned as their “profession”. The most uncomplimentary things have been said about politicians, one of the cruellest funnies online being the short conversation between a gentleman and a lady: “I am a politician and a honest man”, said the man. “Well then, I am a prostitute and a virgin”, retorted the lady, underlining how far away from honesty she thinks of politician!

All politics, they say, is local. Politics is played specifically and differently in all climes but however it is played, there are rules of engagement. However strictly or loosely followed or side-stepped, rules are rules. These are the rules, along with topical issues and best practices that Striker seeks to engage its readers. What you don’t know, you don’t know, and these are the things that bring agony as the majority grumble in resignation about the activities of the minority, which affect the lives of everyone. Knowledge generates interest and interest may likely generate action. As self-claimed positive people, the more the distance we give politics on account of believed negative fables about it, the more negatively our lives are impacted by leaving the space to “negative” people.

In plain, simple language and at no great length, Striker takes a deep and progressive look at politics, politicians, the people and democracy in all aspects and across board through a non-partisan lens. From the constitution on which everything rests to elections, governance and the dividends expected to flow, Striker takes an unbiased look at the rules, the dos and don’ts and the outcome of acts of omissions and commissions on the part of all stakeholders, especially “the people.”

“The People” is repeated three times in the commonest definition of democracy, as the government of “the people” by “the people” for “the people.” It seems then that any examination of democracy and politics, and the politicians expected to deliver democratic governance, must take a majority look at the people, who interestingly may not be taking any look at themselves, as citizens deserving not only rights but have huge responsibilities; and how the politics, democracy and governance they get is their own making.

The other popular definition of democracy is “majority rule” and politics is often called “a game of numbers.” Accordingly, Striker will be taking plain looks at the majority, pejoratively referred to “the masses,” who are “the numbers” that politicians work on.

Welcome to a balanced and non-partisan readership excursion into politics, biased only on the part of progress, which is the common and inevitable destiny of mankind. Everyone in politics must claim to work for the progress of the society, Democrats or Conservatives. Progress from where we are, however fine where we are, is the constant goal; the alternative is stagnation and retrogression.

Striker hopes the excursion is as beneficial as it is exciting to all readers, and eventually contributes not only to better understanding of politics and its improved reputation but in improved political practice, popular participation and betterment of society in general. Welcome!


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