Twitter Stories: Its #VisaBae Season

Almost every week there’s a thing or two trending on social media and the latest is about this girl that people have tagged VisaBae.
This trend is the story of beautiful young woman from Zimbabwe by the name of Rutendo Tichiwangani who is known as rlt_ on Instagram and Rlt on YouTube.
Rutendo Tichiwangani has over 70.6k followers on Instagram and 9k subscribers on YouTube as a result of her lavish social media lifestyle that makes her look larger than life.
Ironically her visa to stay in the UK is due to expire in one month! And she needs £2300 to pay for it so she can remain in the UK. She however can’t afford the visa fee so she has started a Gofundme account.
Unfortunately, people have lost a lot of sympathy for her fake social media life and how unreasonable she has been for the last 6 years not to have saved up the money required for her visa fee instead of slaying on social media.