Islam: The Simple Religion (Part 2)

By Imam Musa Oladapo Raji
ALL praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the universe, the Sustainer and Cherisher of our lives. he whom Allah guides he is rightly guided, but he whom He sends astray, for him he would find no one guiding friend (waliyy) to lead him (to the right path). I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Him and I also testify that Prophet Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. May the peace and mercy of Allah be upon His soul, members of His household, His companions and those who follow Him till the day of accountability.
This is the concluding part of our sermon which we started last week. We have been discussing the five pillars of Islam.
Another Pillar is Zakaah (poor rate). Not every person who professes Islam can afford this because of the conditions attached to it. However, in order not to make its reward to abound exclusively for the affluent Muslims, sadaqah – almsgiving which has less condition is recommended for every believer. This is also a blessing from Allah and an indicator to its simplicity.
Another Pillar is SAWM, i.e. fasting during the month of Ramadan. On its obligation, Allah (SW) says: “O you who believe! Observing As-Saum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun (the pious). Quran 2:183. But when one reads the verses that follow, it becomes clearer that Allah relaxes it in some cases. He says: “But if any of you is ill or on a journey, the same number should be made up from other days. And as for those who can with difficulty, e.g. an old man, they have a choice either to fast or feed a (Miskiin) needy person for every day missed. Quran 2:184.
Furthermore, in the subsequent verse, Allah (SW) is specific with His intention on why He gave such an order. He says; “Allah intends for you ease and He does not want to make things difficult.” Quran 2:185. This is also a pointer to the mercy of Allah on us and simplicity of Islam.
Another Pillar is HAJJ, i.e. pilgrimage to the House of Allah. There are some rites known as essential of Hajj to be performed by anybody who undergoes it. These are the rites that can render one’s hajj invalid if any of them is left undone. Those rites are; Tawaaf, Saay, Ihraam and Wuquuf bi Arafah. As for the first two, because they are strenuous, if one is physically unfit to carry them out by himself, it is permissible to assist him through wheelchair or any other means. In practice, there are some rites in which proxy is allowed. This is another indicator to the simplicity of Islam and mercy of Allah.
Now to the first pillar, testimony that there is no god except Allah, and that Muhammad is His Messenger. This is a state of mind, it is only Allah who knows who actually and sincerely believes in Him. Allah in His wisdom makes things easy for His servants because He knows that circumstances may compel one to act contrary to his faith. He then says; “Whoever disbelieved in Allah after his belief, except him who is forced thereto and whose heart is at rest with faith…..”Quran 16:106.
It is also on record that The Prophet (PBUH), laid emphasis on firm faith in Allah when one of his companions, Sufiyanb Abd-Allah (RAA) asked him: “O Messenger of Allah, tell me something about Islam which I shall not ask anyone except you. He answered: “Say I have believed in Allah, and then live straight forwardly in accordance with such a profession. Muslim related it.
Al-hamdulillah, from the foregoing, you must have understood that Islam is not as difficult as its adversaries portray it. I want to encourage our esteemed readers to read more about Islam for moreunderstanding of it in order to see the light of Allah. I seek forgiveness of my sins and your own sins from Allah, and I follow the path of those who turn to Him in repentance. May Allah reward us with His best reward both here and hereafter.
- Imaam Musa Oladapo Raji
The Chief Imaam of Telemu Land Ola Oluwa LGA, Osun State