
Natural Cancer Treatments (II)

Natural Cancer Treatments (II)
  • PublishedNovember 10, 2017

Enzymes in our body are responsible for stimulating normal biological functions which aid in the removal of toxins from the body and also stimulate anti- inflammatory and anti-cancer agents. You may remember your high school science teacher diagraming the several conditions which must be met for enzymes to function appropriately and so you may also recall that enzymes function at a preferred pH.


The typical American lifestyle consists of chronic conditions which degrade these optimal working environments which enzymes function. From the air we breathe, food we eat and lotions we apply we offset the normal pH of the organs in our body and contribute to the development of cancer.


Nutrient dense foods like broccoli are abundant in enzymes such as quinone reductase and glutathione-S-transferase which enable the body at removing debris. Enzymes especially promote the healthy function of organs constantly inundated with toxins such as the liver, stomach, intestines and lungs.  Lemon and lime provide these organs with organic acids which help buffer pH and natural enzymes which promote the body’s natural abilities to metabolize nutrients.


Enzyme Therapy:

Enzyme therapy has been found to be so effective at relieving the toxic burden on our bodies that enzyme therapy is used to treat individuals who have undergone chemotherapy in order to reduce symptoms of pain, vomiting, fatigue and nausea.


Systemic enzyme can be used to treat cancer by boosting natural immune system defenses such as cytokines, macrophages and natural killer cells which target abnormal growing cells and inhibit further synthesis. Effective systemic enzyme supplements you may consider are wobenzyme and protoenzyme.


  1.  Budwig Protocol

Numerous testimonies surround the ability of the Bud wig Protocol to treat and even cure cancers including cancer of the lung, prostrate, breast, ovaries, pancreas and even brain. It is a protocol which in part combines organic low fat cottage cheese with flaxseed oil into a mixture called quark along with lifestyle changes which limit the body’s toxic burden. This mixture is believed to prevent and heal cancer and has been researched since 1952 by world leading experts in fats and oils. But how does cottage cheese and flaxseed oil treat cancer you ask?


The concept is that dead cells in our body lack a charge which stimulates proper cellular function. Flaxseed oil is highly abundant in electrons and saturated fats that when combined with a sulfur protein in cottage cheese, a chemical reaction takes place and allows the electrons to enter these “dead” cells to be recharged. These electron rich unsaturated fats improve respiratory enzyme function, brain function and cardiac health and stimulate all glands in the body. The Bud wig Protocol diet attracts oxygen into our cells and in this oxygenated environment kills off cancer cells.


Dr. Bud wig advised her patients suffering from cancer to consume quark up to 8 times daily and possibly for up to 6 months in order to treat severe and possibly terminal cancers. The following is a recommended recipe to create quark:

Mix 2 tbl cottage cheese with 1 tbl flaxseed oil. Preferably, use an immersion blender to combine the two ingredients until a creamy texture results and no visible oil appears separated from the mixture. Consume immediately.


  1.  Detoxification:

There are major detoxification pathways which your body can undergo to promote healing from cancer. Some of the best strategies to promote the removal of toxins from your body and increase healing are as follows: Infrared saunas, Hydrating with lemon water, Eating an anti-inflammatory diet, Coffee enemas, Dry brushing, Good oral hygiene, Castor oil packs, Exercise.


In order to successfully remove toxins from your body, you must also heal your emotional health as well. Receiving an aromatherapy massage stimulates the lymphatic system, eases your mind and improves overall health. Essential oil have even been shown to boost the health of cancer patients and relieve anxiety and stress.


  1.  Sunlight

The proper functioning of the body’s glands is critical to removing toxins from our body necessary in treating cancer. Dr. Budwig advocated that the sun is a natural source of photons which creates a magnetic field and attracts electrons. She also believed that sunlight exposure stimulates glandular function of the pancreas, bladder, salivary glands, liver and gall bladder.


The sun’s rays do not only stimulate vigor and vitality, but they heal the body from the inside out. Consider the idea that each individual’s body acts as an antenna source to capture the sun’s natural photons. Naturally, the electrons in our body become energized and better equipped to heal. Sunlight boosts immunity which better equips the body from defending against foreign invaders and cancer growth.     TO BE CONTINUED


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